‘Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "The saying 'Sub Han Allah' is for men and clapping is for women." (If something happens in the prayer, the men can invite the attention of the Imam by saying "Sub Han Allah". And women, by clapping their hands) (Bukhari Vol. 2, Book 22, Hadith 295) |
I know who I am., I know who I want to become,. Everyday I work at being the person I want to be. I can't change the direction of the wind , but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination. :) :) FOODIE BY HOB :) :) ENGINEER BY PASSION (:(:
Wednesday, 25 May 2016
Beautiful Hadith is about Actions during Praying
Tuesday, 10 May 2016
American Chopsuey
- Noodles: - 300 gm
- Salt: - to taste
- Oil: - 6 tbsp + to deep fry
- Corn flour/corn starch: - 2 tbsp
- Ginger (chopped):- 1 inch piece
- Garlic : - 4 cloves
- Onion (sliced):- 1 medium
- Boneless chicken (cut into thin strips):- 400 gm
- Carrot (cut into thin strips):- 1 medium
- French beans (cut into thin strips):- 5
- Cabbage (shredded):- ¼ medium
- Spinach (shredded):- 8 leaves
- White pepper powder: - ½ tsp
- Sugar: - 1 tsp
- Tomato sauce :- 4 tbsp
- Vinegar :- 1 tbsp
- Chicken stock :- 1 cup
- Bean sprouts:- 1 cup
- Tofu (cut into thin strips) :- 100 gm
- Eggs :- 4
- Fry pan
- Wok
- Spatula
- Serving dish
Preparation method
- Mix one tbsp of oil and little salt in enough water. Allow this mixture to boil. Put noodles in it and continue boiling over high flame until completely cooked.
- Remove, drain and keep aside to cool down.
- Separate the noodles into 4 equal parts, then prepare into a nest and deep-fry in hot oil until crisp and brown.
- Drain on a kitchen paper.
- In quarter cup of water, add cornstarch and keep aside.
- In a wok, heat 2 tbsps. of oil and combine the garlic and ginger. Stir-fry for a minute.
- Combine sliced onions and sauté until it becomes golden brown.
- Add chicken and stir-fry for 2 minutes over high flame.
- Add beans, spinach, cabbage and carrots. Stir-fry until vegetables are done.
- Mix salt, sugar and pepper powder to it.
- Stir in the vinegar and tomato sauce.
- Now, transfer this mixture in the stock and then allow this mixture to boil.
- Decrease flame and stir in cornstarch. Simmer for 2 minutes.
- Combine tofu and bean sprouts to it. Stir well.
- In a fry pan, heat leftover oil and make fried eggs.
- On a serving plate, arrange some part of the fried noodles and then pour the prepared sauce. Keep a fried egg on top and immediately serve hot.
MIT Researchers Create Perfect Nanoscrolls from Graphene Oxide
Source: Jennifer Chu, MIT News
Using both low- and high-frequency ultrasonic techniques, scientists have fabricated nanoscrolls made from graphene oxide flakes.
Water filters of the future may be made from billions of tiny, graphene-based nanoscrolls. Each scroll, made by rolling up a single, atom-thick layer of graphene, could be tailored to trap specific molecules and pollutants in its tightly wound folds. Billions of these scrolls, stacked layer by layer, may produce a lightweight, durable, and highly selective water purification membrane.
But there’s a catch: Graphene does not come cheap. The material’s exceptional mechanical and chemical properties are due to its very regular, hexagonal structure, which resembles microscopic chicken wire. Scientists take great pains in keeping graphene in its pure, unblemished form, using processes that are expensive and time-consuming, and that severely limit graphene’s practical uses.
Seeking an alternative, a team from MIT and Harvard University is looking to graphene oxide — graphene’s much cheaper, imperfect form. Graphene oxide is graphene that is also covered with oxygen and hydrogen groups. The material is essentially what graphene becomes if it’s left to sit out in open air. The team fabricated nanoscrolls made from graphene oxide flakes and was able to control the dimensions of each nanoscroll, using both low- and high-frequency ultrasonic techniques. The scrolls have mechanical properties that are similar to graphene, and they can be made at a fraction of the cost, the researchers say.
“If you really want to make an engineering structure, at this point it’s not practical to use graphene,” says Itai Stein, a graduate student in MIT’s Department of Mechanical Engineering. “Graphene oxide is two to four orders of magnitude cheaper, and with our technique, we can tune the dimensions of these architectures and open a window to industry.”
Stein says graphene oxide nanoscrolls could also be used as ultralight chemical sensors, drug delivery vehicles, and hydrogen storage platforms, in addition to water filters. Stein and Carlo Amadei, a graduate student at Harvard University, have published their results in the journal Nanoscale.
Getting away from crumpled graphene
The team’s paper originally grew out of an MIT class, 2.675 (Micro/Nano Engineering), taught by Rohit Karnik, associate professor of mechanical engineering. As part of their final project, Stein and Amadei teamed up to design nanoscrolls from graphene oxide. Amadei, as a member of Professor Chad Vecitis’ lab at Harvard University, had been working with graphene oxide for water purification applications, while Stein was experimenting with carbon nanotubes and other nanoscale architectures, as part of a group led by Brian Wardle, professor of aeronautics and astronautics at MIT.
“Our initial idea was to make nanoscrolls for molecular adsorption,” Amadei says. “Compared to carbon nanotubes, which are closed structures, nanoscrolls are open spirals, so you have all this surface area available to manipulate.”
“And you can tune the separation of a nanoscroll’s layers, and do all sorts of neat things with graphene oxide that you can’t really do with nanotubes and graphene itself,” Stein adds.
When they looked at what had been done previously in this field, the students found that scientists had successfully produced nanoscrolls from graphene, though with very complicated processes to keep the material pure. A few groups had tried doing the same with graphene oxide, but their attempts were literally deflated.
“What was out there in the literature was more like crumpled graphene,” Stein says. “You can’t really see the conical nature. It’s not really clear what was made.”
Collapsing bubbles
Stein and Amadei first used a common technique called the Hummers’ method to separate graphite flakes into individual layers of graphene oxide. They then placed the graphene oxide flakes in solution and stimulated the flakes to curl into scrolls, using two similar approaches: a low-frequency tip-sonicator, and a high-frequency custom reactor.
The tip-sonicator is a probe made of piezoelectric material that shakes at a low, 20Hz frequency when voltage is applied. When placed in a solution, the tip-sonicator produces sound waves that stir up the surroundings, creating bubbles in the solution.
Similarly, the group’s reactor contains a piezoelectric component that is connected to a circuit. As voltage is applied, the reactor shakes — at a higher, 390 Hz frequency compared with the tip-sonicator — creating bubbles in the solution within the reactor.
Stein and Amadei applied both techniques to solutions of graphene oxide flakes and observed similar effects: The bubbles that were created in solution eventually collapsed, releasing energy that caused the flakes to spontaneously curl into scrolls. The researchers found they could tune the dimensions of the scrolls by varying the treatment duration and the frequency of the ultrasonic waves. Higher frequencies and shorter treatments did not lead to significant damage of the graphene oxide flakes and produced larger scrolls, while low frequencies and longer treatment times tended to cleave flakes apart and create smaller scrolls.
While the group’s initial experiments turned a relatively low number of flakes — about 10 percent — into scrolls, Stein says both techniques may be optimized to produce higher yields. If they can be scaled up, he says the techniques can be compatible with existing industrial processes, particularly for water purification.
“If you can make this in large scales and it’s cheap, you could make huge bulk samples of filters and throw them out in the water to remove all sorts of contaminants,” Stein says.
This work was supported, in part, by the Department of Defense through the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) fellowship program.
Publication: Carlo A. Amadei, et al., “Fabrication and morphology tuning of graphene oxide nanoscrolls,” Nanoscale, 2016,8, 6783-6791; DOI: 10.1039/C5NR07983G
Beautiful Hadith is about Virtuous Acts
‘Abdullah bin Salam RA said: “When the Prophet (peace be upon him) came to Al-Madinah, the people rushed to meet him, and it was said: ‘The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) has come! The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) has come! The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) has come!’ Three times. I came with the people to see him, and when I saw his face clearly, I knew that his face was not the face of a liar. The first thing I heard him say was when he said: ‘O people! Spread (the greeting of) Salam, feed others, uphold the ties of kinship, and pray during the night when people are sleeping, and you will enter Paradise with Salam.” (Sunan Ibn Majah - Vol. 4, Book 29, Hadith 3251) |
Beautiful Hadith is about Taking Loans
Suhaib Al-Khair RA narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “ Any man who takes out a loan, having resolved not to pay it back, will meet Allah (SWT) as a thief.” (Ibn Majah - Vol. 3, Book 15, Hadith 2410) |
Beautiful Hadith is about Habitual Good Work
Narrated Abu Musa RA: I heard the Prophet (peace be upon him) many times say: When a servant of Allah is accustomed to do a good work, then becomes ill or goes on journey, what was accustomed to do when he was well and staying at home will be recorded for him. (Dawoud - Book 20, Hadith 3085) |
Saturday, 7 May 2016
Beautiful Hadith is about Wudu
Amr b Sa'id b al-As RA reported: I was with Uthman, and he called for ablution water and said: I heard Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) say: When the time for a prescribed prayer comes, if any Muslim performs ablution well and offers his prayer with humility and bowing, it will be an expiation for his past sins, so long as he has not committed a major sin; and this applies for all times. (Muslim - Book 2, Hadith 441) |
Beautiful Hadith is about Vows
Ibn Abbas RA reported that Sa'd b. Ubida asked Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) for a decision about a vow taken by his mother who had died before fulfilling it. Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said: Fulfil it on her behalf. (Muslim - Book 14, Hadith 4017) |
Beautiful Hadith is about Allah
Abdullah RA reported that a person from the People of the Book came to Allah's Apostle ( peace he upon him) and said: Abu al-Qasim, verily, Allah holds the Heavens upon one finger and the earths upon one finger and the trees and moist earth upon one finger and in fact the whole of the creation upon one finger and then say: I am the King. I am the King. And he (the narrator) further said: I saw Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) smiling until his front teeth became visible and then he recited the verse: "And they measure not the power of Allah with His true measure" (39:67). (Muslim - Book 39, Hadith 6701) |
Beautiful Hadith is about Dreams
Abu Qatada RA reported Allah's Messenger (peace be upon) as saying:A good vision is from Allah and a bad dream (hulm) is from the satan; so if one of you sees anything (in a dream) which he dislikes, he should spit on his left side thrice and seek refuge with Allah from its evil, and then it will never harm him. Abu Salama said: I used to see dreams weighing more heavily upon me than a mountain; but since I heard this hadith I don't care for it (its burden).(Muslim - Book 29, Hadith 5616) |
Beautiful Hadith is about Charity
On the authority of Abu Harayrah RA from the Prophet (peace be upon him), who said: Allah SWT said: Spend (on charity), O son of Adam, and I shall spend on you. It was related by al-Bukhari (also by Muslim). - Hadith Qudsi 11 |
Beautiful Hadith is about Eclipses
Narrated Abu Bakr RA: We were with Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) when the sun eclipsed. Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) stood up dragging his cloak till he entered the Mosque. He led us in a two-rak'at prayer till the sun (eclipse) had cleared. Then the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "The sun and the moon do not eclipse because of someone's death. So whenever you see these eclipses pray and invoke (Allah) till the eclipse is over." (Bukhari - Vol. 2, Book 18, Hadith 150) |
Beautiful Hadith is about Kindness
A'isha RA reported that Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said: A'isha, verily Allah is kind and He loves kindness and confers upon kindness which he does not confer upon severity and does not confer upon anything else besides it (kindness).(Muslim - Book 32, Hadith 6273) |
Beautiful Hadith is about Sadaqat-ul-Fitr
Abdullah b 'Umar RA reported that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him) ordered the payment of Sadaqat-ul-Fitr before people go out for prayer.(Muslim - Book 5, Hadith 2160) |
Beautiful Hadith is about Allah's Mercy
On the authority of Anas RA, who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) say: Allah the Almighty said: O son of Adam, so long as you call upon Me and ask of Me, I shall forgive you for what you have done, and I shall not mind. O son of Adam, were your sins to reach the clouds of the sky and were you then to ask forgiveness of Me, I would forgive you. O son of Adam, were you to come to Me with sins nearly as great as the earth and were you then to face Me, ascribing no partner to Me, I would bring you forgiveness nearly as great as it. It was related by at-Tirmidhi (also by Ahmad ibn Hanbal). Hadith Qudsi 34 |
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